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Erdogan to his American counterpart: Turkey continues its efforts to reach a political solution between Russia and Ukraine

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed today, Thursday, that Ankara is continuing its efforts to reach a political solution between Russia and Ukraine.
Cairo – Sputnik. And the statement of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, following a phone call made by Erdogan with his American counterpart, Joe Biden, said: “President of the Republic, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had a phone call with his American counterpart, Joe Biden, and during the call, the two leaders discussed regional developments, including the Russian military operation in Ukraine and US-Turkish Relations.
The Turkish presidency added: “For his part, President Erdogan indicated that Turkey will continue its efforts to reach a political solution between Russia and Ukraine, stressing the importance of Turkey being in a position that allows it to communicate with both sides, which facilitates the search for a solution in the event of an aggravation of the crisis.” In front of the foreign ministers of Russia and Ukraine to speak directly with each other, hosted by Turkey in Antalya.”
And the Turkish presidency continued: “Erdogan also expressed his hope that Turkey’s request, which includes the purchase of 40 new aircraft from the United States of America and the modernization of the F-16 aircraft, will be completed as soon as possible,” noting that “the time has come for a long time.” To lift all unfair sanctions imposed on Turkey in the field of defense industries.
In a related context, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu confirmed that there were no tensions in the conversation between the Russian and Ukrainian sides during today’s talks held in the Turkish city of Antalya, in light of the attempt to find a solution to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.
Cavusoglu said, in a press conference after meeting his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts, today, Thursday, that “this meeting was not easy, and in light of the war, we were able to gather the warring parties at a table,” explaining that there was no tension in today’s talks.
Cavusoglu said that there is confidence on both sides of the crisis, explaining that this confidence will in turn facilitate the meetings in the coming days. He added, “Confidence has started now, and I believe that a result will be reached … and I do not think that the solution will be anything other than a political solution.”
The Turkish Foreign Minister explained that this meeting is the first at the level of ministers, adding: “Of course we cannot say that all the problems have been resolved, but this is the beginning… and the presence of the two ministers represents a positive hope for resolving the crisis.”

Regarding holding a meeting at a presidential level, Davutoglu stressed that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, do not reject the meeting in principle, expressing his country’s readiness to host negotiations if the two countries decide to continue them, especially since there are decisions that should be taken at the level of leaders, as he put it.

The Turkish Foreign Minister stressed the need not to expect a miracle in one meeting, pointing to the need for a sustainable ceasefire and the opening of humanitarian corridors without hindrances.
Cavusoglu explained that there is a need to achieve lasting peace in Ukraine through an urgent truce, noting that his country has emphasized Turkey’s role in giving priority to the humanitarian dimension in providing aid.
Çavuşoğlu concluded: “Death is increasing and spreading and there is a need to get the civilians out and rescue them… This requires an urgent truce in Ukraine.”
These meetings come after Turkey mediated to resolve the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, following the announcement by Russian President Vladimir Putin, on February 24, of the launch of a special military operation in Ukraine, with the aim of protecting civilians in the two popular republics of Lugansk and Donetsk, who have been exposed, for 8 years, for the past 8 years. , persecuted and genocide by the Kyiv regime.
The operation aims to prevent the militarization of Ukraine and the Nazi tendencies in it, and to bring to justice all those responsible for the bloody crimes against civilians in Donbass.
According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the armed forces are bombing the military infrastructure and the Ukrainian forces, which are not laying down arms, without prejudice to the civilian population.
President Putin stressed that the military operation was not aimed at occupying Ukraine.

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