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What is CPR and when can it be used?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, known for its acronym “CPR”, is a method that can be used to rescue a person who has stopped breathing and has no blood reaching the brain.
The aim of this operation is to help the patient regain the ability to breathe and return blood to the brain until he is transferred to the nearest hospital to complete treatment.
The “Healthline” website says that CPR is an emergency rescue method that professionals and ordinary people can resort to to rescue a person who has suffered an injury or drowned that has caused respiratory failure.
The website explained that this method relies on the paramedic using his hands to apply strong and quick pressures to the chest area to restore breathing.
Although non-professionals may not be familiar with the exact method of performing CPR, doing something is better than letting the casualty die.
Specific steps must be taken to perform CPR until trained ambulance teams are called.
After that, the victim is placed on his back and his arms next to the body in a parallel position, with the mouth open and making sure that the person is not breathing, then begin to put the hands together on the chest area and perform two pressures every one second and repeat this until the ambulance teams specialized in saving such cases arrive .


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