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For the first time… a female referee team will run a match in the Jordanian Football League

International media reported that a women’s refereeing team refereed a match in the Jordanian Premier League for men’s football, in a step that comes as part of the Kingdom’s efforts to promote the involvement of women in the popular game.

Reuters reported that the women’s team consisted of referee Esraa Mobaideen and assistants Islam Al-Abadi, Sabreen Al-Abadi and Hanin Murad, the match that ended with Sahab winning the spot 4-1 in the last round of the local competition, last Tuesday.

Referee Israa Mobaideen said that the players were initially smiling in the tunnel, but then things went in all seriousness after the start of the match as normal, stressing at the same time that she is determined to contribute to achieving success and brilliance during her management of the matches.

She added, “My ambition is to influence society to participate in the professional league, which will give a positive image of women’s arbitration.”

The court judge also confirmed that what she had done “could send a message that women can work in any field.”

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