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Scientists discover a “secret world” in the Earth’s core. If not, life would have become extinct

A group of scientists made a discovery described as “amazing” while studying the deep layers of the earth and the methods and methods of moving earthquake ripples across the earth, confirming the existence of a “hidden world” underground that contributed to preserving life.

Specialists in seismic monitoring sciences at a number of observatories in America and Japan have conducted longitudinal studies on seismic ripples, announcing in a new study the discovery of a “whole new hidden world in the Earth’s core.”
A “hidden world” that scientists have never observed before

Scientists have long believed that the center of the Earth was a solid ball of iron, surrounded by an extremely hot molten outer core.

But the new research, published in the scientific journal “Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors”, revealed new, exciting and more complex details about the Earth’s core, which, according to scientists, represent a “hidden secret science” in the Earth’s core.
A world in the distance between solid and liquid is invulnerable to man

According to the scientists, this new world consists of multiple and complex layers of solid metal, liquid metal and a certain amount of material halfway between the two.

The scientists noted that “no human being, or even modern machines, can venture down and discover such depths.”

A third component under our feet was not previously observed

Researcher Rhett Butler, of the University of Hawaii, and his colleague, Segi Tsuboib, of the Japan Center for Earth Information Science and Technology, studied how earthquake shear waves move across the globe, but came up with exciting results.
They found that a “third component” between the layers of solid and liquid minerals, intersecting these two layers, formed about 241 kilometers (150 miles) deep beneath our feet.

In turn, Jessica Irving, a seismologist at the University of Bristol, commented on the new discovery, saying to “Live Science” magazine: “We have found a new hidden world in the heart of the planet, not made of dinosaurs, and not the one described by Jules Verne in 1871.”
A metal ingot that protected life on Earth

Scientists noted that there is a “new alloy” of minerals formed inside the planet as a result of its evolution and changes in the thermal state of the Earth, whose temperature has become colder with the passage of years.

The researchers considered that these results reveal “the composition and thermal history of the Earth and its evolution,” stressing that these layers play a major role in protecting life on Earth.

“The Earth’s core is the driver of the magnetic field that prevents our planet from becoming a radioactive desert like Mars,” the study said.

Scientists considered that these unique layers that formed naturally contributed to protecting the planet and preserving life on it, and acted as an internal protective layer that protected it from collapse and destruction.

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