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IAEA warns of major development of North Korea’s nuclear program

Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, confirmed that North Korea is making progress with its nuclear program “at full capacity.”

Grossi said during an annual meeting of the member states of the international organization, today, Monday, that the progress of the nuclear program includes work on the separation of plutonium, uranium enrichment and other activities, according to “AFP”.
This came days after media sites circulated videos showing North Korean missiles, which were being carried on railroad cars.

Last Thursday, South Korea’s official news agency announced that the missiles launched by North Korea, last Wednesday morning, were a test of “a new missile system carried on railroad cars.”

The agency said that the missiles traveled for a distance of 800 km before hitting a target in the sea off the east coast of North Korea.

Grossi issued a report last month saying that Pyongyang appeared to have resumed work on a nuclear reactor widely believed to have produced plutonium for nuclear weapons.

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