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Before the announcement of “iPhone 13” … Xiaomi offers a future alternative to smartphones

On Monday, the Chinese company, Xiaomi, put out an advertisement that will turn the tables on smartphones, a day before its American competitor, Apple, unveiled its new phone, the iPhone 13.

In a promotional video posted on its official YouTube channel, Xiaomi unveiled its smart glasses, which confirmed that they are a standalone Android phone, and do not have to be connected to a smartphone, and will replace smartphones in the future.

In the video, Xiaomi multiplies the advantages of its smart glasses, including the ability to display road maps, translate instant texts, the ability to make calls, and show notifications on its screen.

While the “Xiaomi” glasses are characterized by the traditional design of glasses, they can be used for “augmented reality” features, in which they use the “micro-LED” monochrome system, which outperforms its well-known counterpart “OLED” in terms of providing higher resolution, easier screen integration and more display. tighter.

However, The Verge pointed out that the “Micro LED” system is still very expensive, and is waiting to be implemented in more than a handful of commercial products in the market.

The smart glasses from “Xiaomi” weigh only 51 grams, and contain units of “Wi-Fi”, “Bluetooth” technology, a battery and a 5-megapixel camera.

While “Xiaomi” made it clear that it had no plan to actually put it up for sale, it wanted to inform its users of all the details of its product that would seem reasonable in the future.

The announcement of the smart glasses also comes before Apple announced its “iPhone 13” phone, today, Tuesday, in order to confirm that it will be a key player in the field of “augmented reality” like many of its competitors in the field of technology.

It is noteworthy that recent leaks reveal the design of Facebook’s smart glasses, called “Ray Ban Stories”, in reference to the cooperation between the famous Italian eyeglass company, and Facebook’s feature for short video clips “Stories”.

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