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A Saudi plane crashed while flying over the airspace of an Arab country

A drone belonging to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia crashed today, Monday, while flying over Saada Governorate, northwest of Yemen.

The Yemeni Ansar Allah group said, “The air defenses managed to shoot down a Chinese-made (Wing Long To) spy plane belonging to the Saudi Air Force while it was carrying out hostile missions in the airspace of Kitaf area in Saada Governorate,” stressing that the process of shooting down the plane was documented by the military media lens. And it was done with a proper weapon.

Since March 2015, Saudi Arabia has led a military coalition of Arab and Islamic countries, in support of the internationally recognized Yemeni government, in its quest to restore the capital, Sanaa, and large areas in Yemen, which Ansar Allah seized in late 2014.

On the other hand, Ansar Allah group carries out attacks with drones, ballistic missiles, and booby-trapped boats, targeting Saudi and Yemeni forces inside Yemen and inside the Kingdom.

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