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A Hebrew channel reveals the reasons for the security flaw in Gilboa prison.. How did it help in the escape of Palestinian prisoners?

Today, Tuesday, a Hebrew channel revealed various reasons for the security imbalance that prevailed in Gilboa Prison, the Israeli prison that witnessed a unique case, represented in the escape of six Palestinian prisoners.
And the Hebrew Channel 12 reported, in a lengthy report, this evening, Tuesday, that the Israeli Gilboa prison, although it is known for its tight security, did not use the latest technological technologies to monitor the prison from outside, which was represented by the Magna organization.

The channel stated on its website that the Israeli invention, which is sold in many countries of the world, was not used in Gilboa Prison, and is represented in a monitoring system called “Magna”, as it was used by Ketziot Prison only, without other Israeli prisons.

The new Israeli system or the new invention photographed a wide panoramic area at one time, as well as a warning process in the event of any movement in space, a complete monitoring or “staring” system for a specific and required area.

The channel stressed that those responsible for the Israeli prison from which six Palestinian prisoners escaped, at dawn on Monday, did not use this Israeli invention known to many countries of the world, a new failure that was not known before.

The Hebrew channel indicated that this Magna security system was specifically designed to monitor prison escape cases, and that it was tested on the northern border and the Gaza Strip in the south of the country.

According to preliminary investigations, the escape likely required the use of smuggled mobile phones, which is an ongoing challenge for Israeli prison guards.

Earlier this year, prison authorities installed a system to prevent the use of smuggled cell phones by inmates, but it was never activated, Channel 12 reported.

It may have been stopped because some feared that the jamming of the calls would lead to protests and hunger strikes by the prisoners, which could spark Palestinian protests.

The official Kan radio reported that the police were investigating suspicions of the involvement of jailers in the escape of the six prisoners. The radio correspondent stated that the police interrogation unit is also participating in the ongoing investigations.


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