The pioneers of social media shared a strange scene of a chase between a dog and a cat, with a tragic outcome, as they reached the top of a tree, which later became a real dangerous “abyss” for both of them.
In the video circulated by users on “Tik Tok”, it appears that the dog chased a cat and followed it until they reached the top of a high tree, where they hung on its top.
The cat appears to be stuck on the edge of the tree while the dog tries to reach him, but the branches did not help him advance further to the top.
Both the dog and the cat got into a real problem, as they hung on the top of the tree, and the video did not show the way in which the dog reached the top of the tree, especially since dogs rarely can climb trees and avoid the high climb, unlike cats.
Although the scene received a lot of comments and views on “Tik Tok”, the examination and research showed that the clip was old and posted on “YouTube”, but some modifications were made to the sound to appear differently.