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Steps that can rid the world of the climate change crisis

Climate change has caused a global crisis whose catastrophic effects have begun to threaten different parts of the world, from devastating floods that sweep through many regions, to forest fires that erupt in many countries.

The UAE is one of the countries interested in combating climate change, for which heat emissions are the most important causes.
The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation is contributing to these efforts, stressing that the time has come to address the phenomenon of climate change, noting that this can be achieved in several steps.

A video clip published by the official page of the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporations, on “Twitter”, monitors the most important steps that can significantly reduce heat emissions that cause climate change.

The video says that obtaining electric power from environmentally friendly sources is the solution, noting that generating electric power from clean energy can reduce global heat emissions annually by 25 percent.

The video showed that supplying factories with the energy they need from environmentally friendly sources can reduce thermal emissions by 31 percent.

In addition, he adds that heat emissions can be reduced by 16 percent if clean energy sources are used in the transportation sector.

If the previous three steps are followed, the world could achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by more than 70 percent of the global average annually, which is enough to make a positive global change in this field.
What are the most important sources of access to clean energy?

Electricity can be obtained from environmentally friendly sources by expanding the construction of solar cell networks for generating electricity, in addition to expanding the generation of electric power from wind, in addition to electric power generated from water dams.

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