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Scientists discover a very fast moving strange star “escaping the Milky Way”

Astronomers at Boston University have revealed a strange star called LP 40-365, which is moving through the galaxy at a speed of about two million kilometers per hour, and because of this tremendous speed, it looks like an object fleeing from the Milky Way.

This object is the remnant of a star that once existed in a binary system, but received enormous energy as a result of the Big Bang. According to what was published by the scientific journal “The Astrophysical Journal Letters”.

The star is about 600 parsecs away from the solar system, or 2,000 light-years, and travels at a speed of 600 kilometers per second.

The body also has an unusual chemical composition and is composed of a high mineral content, that is, it contains elements heavier than hydrogen and helium.

Astronomers analyzed data from the Hubble and TESS space telescopes and found that the object is spinning, and the relatively low spin rate indicates that LP 40-365 is the remnant of a massive explosion.

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