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11 foods that prevent hair loss

Hair loss can be due to several reasons, such as the presence of a health problem such as excessive daily stress or diabetes, and it can be genetic or caused by age.

However, sometimes, hair loss is not caused by an external cause, but by improper nutrition.

If you are experiencing hair loss that does not appear to be related to any other cause, it may be because you are deficient in certain nutrients.
Depending on which nutrients you need most, certain foods can help with this problem, says verywellfit.

Let’s take a look at the nutrients that may help you regain healthier, thicker hair and the foods you can find in them.

Vitamin A

We often think that vitamin A is important for our eyesight, but this vitamin also plays a role in the health of our hair.

In addition to being necessary to help our hair grow, vitamin A contributes to the production of sebum, an oily substance that keeps the scalp moisturized.

Vitamin B

All B vitamins are essential for hair growth, but one biotin vitamin may be especially important for some people.

Biotin helps carry nutrients throughout the body and may also help transport nutrients to the scalp.

Vitamin C

This vitamin has antioxidant properties, so one of the things that vitamin C can do for hair is to protect it from damage caused by free radicals.

Additionally, we need vitamin C for our bodies to make collagen, which is a vital structural protein in hair.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for our immunity, and it is also important when it comes to hair growth. Low levels of vitamin D are associated with hair loss in general, and in particular with alopecia, an immune condition that causes patchy hair loss.

Vitamin E

Similar to Vitamin C, Vitamin E has important antioxidant qualities that support hair growth. Vitamin E intake is directly related to increased hair growth


Similar to vitamin D, zinc deficiency has been linked to hair loss, as this mineral plays a role in hair tissue growth and repair.

Oddly enough, too much zinc is also linked to hair loss, so it’s best not to overdo it with supplements.


Iron deficiency is known as a form of anemia, and one of the symptoms of anemia is hair loss.

Iron plays a role in supporting the red blood cells that carry oxygen. Although iron can come from plant sources, the body may not absorb it.

Foods that can prevent hair loss

Now that you know the nutrients needed to prevent hair loss, you’ll likely be wondering what foods you can eat to make sure you get enough of these nutrients.

Here are some foods rich in vitamins and minerals that may help keep your hair healthy and growing:


Eggs contain both biotin and zinc, which are needed for healthy hair growth, and it is a great food with a small size. Eggs are also rich in protein, which is also an important factor for hair growth.

leafy vegetables

This category of vegetables includes: spinach, kale, watercress, chard and broccoli. Leafy green vegetables can help prevent hair loss because they contain vitamin D, iron and a form of a B vitamin called folic acid.

oily fish (fatty)

They contain vitamins B and D, and fish such as mackerel, salmon and tuna can help prevent hair loss. For those who do not like the taste of fish, a fish oil supplement is a more acceptable option.

chia seeds

Rich in protein and fiber, it contains essential fatty acids that can contribute to hair growth.


In addition to their vitamin E content, avocados contain essential fatty acids that can help prevent hair loss.

One avocado contains about 20% of the RDA for vitamin E and provides both folic acid and vitamin C.


Oysters are famous for their zinc content, and they also contain a lot of protein, along with iron and vitamin B12.

Since too much zinc can also cause hair loss problems, getting zinc from whole food sources is a safe way to ensure you are getting the right amount of this mineral.


Almond butter makes getting enough almonds in your diet an easy task. Almonds are useful in preventing and treating hair loss because they contain vitamin E, vitamin B and zinc.

Red pepper

When it comes to vitamin C, most people think of citrus fruits. However, all types of peppers are very rich in vitamin C, and red peppers in particular are high in this nutrient, as they provide vitamin B6 and vitamin A.


Shrimp contains nutrients that promote hair growth, in addition to a lot of protein, it contains iron, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin B.


Inexpensive and full of protein and fiber, beans offer zinc, iron and multiple B vitamins. Soaking them beforehand makes them easier to eat, as this can improve their digestibility.

Red meat

Red meat such as beef is very rich in iron and protein. One serving of rib eye steak contains over 23 grams of protein and about 1/5 of a gram of iron, along with hair-healthy zinc and several B vitamins.

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