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Why did the death of Palestinian activist Nizar Banat spark anger against the Palestinian Authority?

The death of the Palestinian political activist Nizar Banat, shortly after his arrest by the security forces of the Authority, sparked angry local and international reactions, and protest marches were launched in a number of Palestinian cities, including Hebron and Ramallah.
For its part, the Palestine Liberation Organization confirmed that the investigation into the death of activist Nizar Banat during his arrest by the Palestinian security services will be transparent and impartial, and the results of the investigation will be announced as soon as possible.

At the same time, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Ahmed Al-Tamimi, called on the Palestinian government to put in place all guarantees and procedures to secure public freedoms, and to hold accountable anyone who violates these principles and bring them to justice.

In this context, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and Minister of Social Development, Dr. Ahmed Al-Majdalani, “What happened to Banat is unacceptable and is subject to review by the Palestinian government, leadership, and President Abbas, and is considered a violation of Palestinian laws and an attack on basic freedoms,” noting that the investigation committee issued a preliminary report and will issue within days a final report on the incident, stressing In light of this, legal measures will be taken against those who issued the instructions and orders, and those who carried out this act.”

On the situation inside the Palestinian territories, writer and political analyst Talal Awkal said that “the position of the authority in general is confused, indicating that the authority had to rush to conduct an investigation because the issue became more than clear, and there was no need for justifications, pointing out that the situation is very embarrassing.” The authority, which at this stage does not need accusations from within, now comes from within, especially since Israel is instigating and trying to promote this issue on the basis that it is like the Khashoggi case.”

On the criticism leveled by the former leader of Fatah, Muhammad Dahlan, to the Palestinian President and the security services regarding the killing of girls, Dr. said. Mukhtar Ghobashi, Vice President of the Arab Center for Political and Strategic Studies, said, “The mechanisms of killing girls, the method of his arrest and the effects of torture that were found on him suggest that the definite interest in killing him and the biggest beneficiary is the Palestinian Authority, so it is natural for these accusations to go to it, and what is required of the authority now is to explain the method The arrest of the activist, the effects of torture, and the answer to many questions asked in this regard.”

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