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The oldest one-sided love poem in history was found in Syria

Researchers described Syria as a “great river”, some of whose tributaries have shaped human achievements and contributed to the making of human civilizations since ancient times.

According to Syrian historians, man has existed in the Syrian environment since the earliest times and adapted his life in the caves, the Qalamoun mountains, the north, the coast, Palmyra, the Badia, the Orontes and Euphrates basins. In these areas the oldest flint tools were discovered.

In the context, researcher Dr. Ali Al-Qayyim, the former deputy minister of culture, said in an exclusive statement to “Sputnik” that “Syria throughout history has been open to the other and enriched human experiences, and the oldest peace treaty between countries, the oldest love song, the oldest musical note, the oldest dictionary and the oldest alphabet in history.

The oldest love song… the oldest musical note

In the details, the valuable researcher explained: “The oldest love song appeared in Syria, which is a cuneiform inscription found in Ebla that tells the story of a lover who loved a girl who was not in love with him, so he wrote this song. May she yearn for him and exchange the same feelings and it is a poem with all that it means. Poetry of the Activator”.

Some Syrian archaeological translations say that (The Song of the Stars), written in the (Masari language), says: “Oh woman whose name is engraved on the axes of warriors… When I loved you, I knew that the light would write glorification expressions on the door of my house… and my name would be written on the tails of the sun… So what should I do, my love, to be worthy of you, do I spread white on the gates and walls of the city, I promise myself that I will never grieve you.”

And the values ​​that “the oldest musical note appeared in the city of Ugarit on the Syrian coast, and it is a cuneiform inscription in which it is necessary, and more than one ancient and modern artist conducted many studies about it, and it is the musical alphabet and wrote on this inscription the “love chant”, and on the other hand we find the musical notation according to The Seven Scale, which is wrongly attributed to Pythagoras in 500 BC, while this chant dates back to 2400 BC.
The “oldest peace treaty” in history between whom and whom?

The valuable researcher said that the “oldest peace treaty” appeared in Syria, written on a cuneiform inscription in the Mardikh hill in the city of Ebla, south of the city of Aleppo, about 60 km towards Idlib Governorate. It was held between the Kingdom of Ebla and the Kingdom of Abarsal, which is located in the upper part of the Syrian Jazeera region on the Syrian-Iraqi border near the river The Tigris, dating back to 2400 BC, and written on it texts about defense, cooperation, brotherhood and participation in many matters, and it is the oldest peace treaty between countries in history.
The oldest dictionaries in the world .. In what languages ​​was taught to students?

He continued: “Dictionaries also appeared in Ebla, in Mari and Ugarit, and the oldest of these dictionaries is the one that appeared in the royal palace in the city of Ebla in Tel Mardikh, where he was taught to students in the Abla language and the Akkadian language, which is one of the oldest dictionaries in the world.”

“The first information revolution”…and 8 Ugaritic languages

And he added: “The oldest known alphabet is the “Ugarit alphabet”, which dates back to 1400 BC and is the oldest known alphabet in the world so far. The artist and the Ugaritian scientist shortened cuneiform signs from 800 to 600 signs to 30 letters, from which the Phoenician alphabet developed and reached China east and the ends of the Mediterranean.” I called it the “first information revolution”, because it shortened many signs and is similar to the Arabic alphabet with the addition of two letters to become 30 letters, and I believe that it was a revolution in the world of writing and blogging, and here it must be noted that the city of Ugarit included more It was composed of 8 languages ​​and was the “Meeting of Civilizations and Peoples”, the title of “My book has not yet been released that provides new and very important information about the civilization of Ugarit.”When did a person start thinking about worship?

The values ​​pointed out that “the myths and writings that appeared in Ebla, Ugarit and Mari provide additional information about the relationships between people, the relationship between God and man, and the customs and traditions prevailing at the time.” He added: “The texts of Ugarit tell us that this mythology and these myths embody the beginnings of beliefs and religions, which the Syrian artist at the time embodied with many sculptures that were found in Tell al-Muraybit, Tell Sheikh Hassan, Tell al-Ramad, Tell Qurs and many other sites. the seventh or eighth millennium BC.

40 museums make communication with the simple

And the researcher stated that “the number of museums in Syria exceeds 40, and they are living institutions that create communication and help create links between visitors, generations and cultures around the world, and we can find non-traditional ways to communicate with society by making the museum more accessible, The museum is the place that includes exhibits and valuables that are concerned with displaying culture, antiquities, traditions, civilizations and people’s lives, and creating a general sense of the museum’s role in the development of society, reaching simple people and families, and holding activities, events, seminars, and field tours. In my opinion, museums are public universities that have a full role, and that is why Syria celebrates On April 18 of every year, Museums Day.

Exhibitions took the ancient past out of legend

He pointed out that “the huge archaeological exhibitions that Syria began holding since 1976 and continued until a little before 2011 were like touring museums that provided a lot of information, and displayed a lot of wonderful artifacts, including the exhibition of the treasures of Syrian antiquities in Japan and many German and European states and an exhibition.” Syria is the land of the god Baal, which was held in Paris and many exhibitions on Palmyra and exhibitions in the United States, Canada and other places in the world.

He said: “The exhibition (Ebla is the origin of urbanization), which was held in the Italian capital, Rome in 1997, is considered the most important cultural event held by the capital, Rome, and more than 100 articles and studies were written about it at that time, and many writers and writers talked about it. Visitors learned about the human past of the man who inhabited Syria one million eight hundred thousand years ago until now, a fuller knowledge that tells him about relations, customs, treaties, alliances and conflicts, which removes the ancient past of humanity from the atmosphere of illusion and legend to the atmosphere of document and scientific truth, which makes us cherish our heritage, which is the common heritage of all humanity. .

The researcher, Dr. Ali Al-Qayyim concluded his speech to “Sputnik” by saying: “Our Syrian culture throughout history was humane, working with goodness, justice, beauty and tolerance, and striving to build the homeland and the citizen. It is always open and interactive, and does not cancel out others, but rather confirms it by interfering with it, influencing and affecting it.

It should be noted that the past ten years of war in Syria witnessed the systematic destruction and looting of a large number of monuments, sites and archaeological finds by terrorist organizations, the last of which witnessed the Idlib Museum a few days ago of the destruction of antiquities and the theft of what can be sold from them at the hands of Uzbeks belonging to the organization Al-Nusra Front. Previously, ISIS (organizations banned in Russia) destroyed several sites in the ancient city of Palmyra before its defeat.

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