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Amazing things happen to the body when you stop smoking

If you take advantage of the World No Tobacco Day, which fell on Monday, to quit cigarettes, within two days your body will be free of nicotine, and after three days your breathing will become lighter and fuller, and this is of course just the beginning of the list of benefits of quitting this deadly habit.

From a health point of view, there is hardly any organ in the body that is not affected or damaged by smoking, and thus benefits from the detoxification process.
When you stop smoking, in the short term, you will start to breathe better and your blood pressure and heart rate will decrease.

Within 24 hours, carbon monoxide will disappear from the body, and within two days the body will be free of nicotine, and after 3 days, breathing becomes lighter, fuller and deeper, according to Lily Abrahams, a smoking cessation expert for the Hebrew “Walla” website.

And when you stop smoking, you will also feel an immediate improvement in your sense of taste (suddenly “the appetite returns”), and even an improvement in the quality of the voice (do you know the rougher and annoying voice of smokers?). The sense of smell also improves and body odor changes for the better.

It is scientifically proven that smoking is also harmful to the teeth, so you can say goodbye to yellow and brown spots on the teeth and some studies also indicate a brighter and fresher appearance of the hair and face after stopping smoking.

After 6 months of quitting smoking, lung function will improve, you will have fewer breathing and coughing problems, and your risk of heart attack, stroke and lung cancer will be significantly reduced.

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