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In solidarity with the events of Jerusalem … an international team wearing the Palestinian “keffiyeh”

In solidarity with the current events in occupied Jerusalem, an international team wore the Palestinian “keffiyeh” before one of its football matches.

Today, Sunday morning, Al-Mayadeen TV reported that the Chilean “Palstino” team has declared, once again, its steadfastness towards the Palestinian cause, in view of what Jerusalem is facing these days and the steadfastness of Jerusalemites in the face of the Israeli army forces, when they wore the Palestinian scarf before entering the stadium in One of his matches.

Rather, the start of their match, yesterday, Saturday, in the Chilean League, Palstino players entered the field, wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh as a salute to the Palestinians and Jerusalemites.

It is noteworthy that the Palestino team has won the league title in Chile twice, in 1955 and 1978, and the cup title 3 times in 1975 and 1977, and after 41 years in 2018.

The team is a voice for the Palestinian cause not only in Chile, but in South America and the world, and this is what its name “Balsteno” or Palestinian expresses in Spanish. Also, Palestino challenged the Jewish community in Chile years ago, which launched a campaign against him to place the map of Palestine on his shirt, but he refused to remove it.

Clashes erupted between dozens of Palestinians and Israeli security forces, on Saturday evening, in the Bab al-Amud area in Jerusalem, wounding 80 Palestinians.

The Israeli security forces suppressed dozens of Palestinian demonstrators in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem with wastewater and rubber bullets, which led to a number of injuries, according to a “Sputnik” correspondent.

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