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The discovery of the oldest human cemetery in Africa

Archaeologists have discovered the oldest human cemetery off the coast of Kenya, in Africa.

Archaeologists found during the excavations in the “Banga Ya Saeedi” cave, located off the coast of Kenya in Africa, the remains of a child as young as three years old, according to “Reuters” agency.
The researchers were unable to determine the sex of the child, due to the identical bones of the boys and girls in the early stages of life, and the researchers called the discovered child “Moto”, which means “child” in the Swahili language.

According to “Reuters”, the child was wrapped in a shroud with his head on what he believed to be a pillow, and the body was covered with faded tree leaves and animal skins, indicating that society may have been carrying out some form of funeral ritual.

After conducting tests, it was found that the tomb is about 78 thousand years old and dates back to the Middle Stone Age period.

Maria Martinon Torres, anthropologist and director of the National Research Center for Human Evolution in Spain, said:

“This discovery is certainly very interesting, and highlights the emergence of complex social behavior of Homo sapiens and cultural differences between groups of modern humans in Africa and beyond.”

According to archaeologists, the discovery is of particular interest, because previously it was not possible to find human remains of more than 30-40 thousand years old on the African continent.

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