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A Russian doctor reveals the relationship of pomegranate seeds in treating the intestine

Pomegranate fruits are natural fruits rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary for the body, and people are divided in eating these fruits between those who eat them with their seeds and others who prefer them without seeds.

Russian doctor and candidate for medical sciences, Evgenia Ivanova, talked about the health benefits of eating pomegranate fruits with their seeds in treating the intestine and digestive system.

Dr. Ivanova said: “It is very useful to eat pomegranate with its seeds, as the seeds contain vitamins B, A, and E, as well as the necessary nutrients of iron, potassium, calcium and iodine, as well as starch and fibers necessary to facilitate intestinal function and eliminate toxins.”
The doctor explained that it must be chewed well for good absorption of the substances contained in it.

Ivanova also pointed out that “pomegranate seeds are composed of a strong peel that helps destroy the mucous membranes of the digestive system. This means that there is a group of people who should eat pomegranate with caution.”

And the doctor warned those who have gum problems, gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, colitis, constipation and hemorrhoids, not to eat them.

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