During Ramadan, many people buy sobia from street vendors as one of the rituals of Ramadan.
However, experts warned that this cold drink could contain potentially fatal contaminants.
In this regard, the Saudi doctor, Khaled Al-Nimr, a consultant and professor of cardiology and arterial catheterization, advised against purchasing sobia from street vendors, nor from what was not checked and conformed to Saudi food standards.
Al-Nimr went on to tweet his account on Twitter, explaining: “Increasing the fermentation time of sobia to more than 24 hours and keeping them in inappropriate conditions increases the percentage of contamination.”
لاتشتري السوبيا من الباعة المتجولين ولا مما لم يتم فحصه ومطابقته لمقاييس الغذاء السعودية حيث أن زيادة وقت تخمير السوبيا عن ٢٤ ساعة وحفظها في ظروف غير مناسبة يزيد من نسبة تلوثها.— الدكتور خالد النمر (@ALNEMERK) April 30, 2021
Sobia is one of the most popular drinks in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which is consumed frequently during Ramadan in particular, due to its great benefits as it provides the body with energy and compensates for the lack of water after a long day of fasting.