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A legendary figure … a mockery of the name of a scientist researching the idea of mixing Corona vaccines

Some social media users mocked the last name of a scientist researching the idea of ​​mixing two different doses of vaccines.

The site “Indy100” that one of the scientists in charge of research on that idea, called Matthew Snape, which is the same name as one of the main characters in the series of Harry Potter films.
Severus Snape is considered a fictional character of a wizard in the Harry Potter series, and he has a great deal of mystery, and has evil tendencies.

On the other hand, the author of the idea of ​​mixing Corona vaccines is Professor Matthew Snape, who is part of the Oxford Vaccine Group, and is responsible for deciding on the possibility of mixing different vaccines, which may speed up the vaccination process.

Earlier, the University of Oxford revealed the start of a study aimed at finding out the effect of mixing two doses of different vaccines against Corona.

According to the British “Guardian”, the university aims from this study to determine the level of immunity in an experiment that will include 820 people, with some given an alternative vaccine on the second date.

They also aim to find out whether the protection from mixing vaccines is the same as the protection achieved by one vaccine, or is it reduced or better, compared to adhering to the same vaccine all the time.

Volunteers are being sought to conduct a trial, the first of its kind in the world, to prove the effectiveness of giving people a first dose of one vaccine and a second dose of a different vaccine.

Ministers have described the trial, run by Oxford University and funded by the government’s Vaccine Task Force, as “extremely significant”.

The university said that it will search for 820 people over the age of 50 years, who have not yet received a vaccine, to receive a first dose of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine or the Pfizer / Biotec vaccine, confirming that some people will then receive an alternative vaccine on a second date within 12 weeks, Others will get the same vaccine again.

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