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5 ways to get rid of bad breath during Ramadan

Bad breath is one of the most common problems that bother some people in the holy month of Ramadan, especially when communicating with others.

The fasting person remains without fluids for a long time, and this negatively affects the work of the salivary glands, which leads to the occurrence of dry mouth, and then the emission of an unpleasant odor from it, according to a report published by “Opera News” website.

The report mentioned five ways to get rid of bad breath during fasting, and they include the following:

Mouth gargle:

This method is one of the most important methods that help get rid of food debris stuck in the mouth, so people should rinse after breakfast and the pre-dawn meal in order to eliminate bad breath.

Clean teeth well:

Many people think that brushing their teeth may break their fast, so they do not brush their teeth, and this is a common mistake. The fasting person should be careful to brush the teeth regularly after breakfast and after completing the pre-dawn meal, and they must also be cleaned with dental floss, in order to ensure that food remains stuck between the teeth.

Quit Smoking:

You should avoid smoking as much as possible during the month of Ramadan, because it negatively affects the salivary glands and thus the levels of saliva in the mouth decrease, so oral bacteria become active, resulting in bad breath that causes embarrassment for a person when talking with others.

Avoid bad-smelling foods:

Fasting people should avoid eating foods with a strong smell in the suhoor meal, such as onions, garlic, eggs, dairy products, and spicy foods that enhance the bad smell, and they should be replaced with foods rich in water such as vegetables and fruits, in order to maintain moisture in the mouth during fasting hours.

Drinking fluids:

Drinking large quantities of fluids, especially water, between Iftar and Suhoor, is one of the things that greatly contribute to enhancing the ability of the salivary glands to secrete more saliva necessary to maintain oral hygiene and dental health, as well as reducing the effectiveness of bacteria in the oral cavity during Fasting, and you should also stay away from caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and tea that contain sulfur compounds, which can dry your mouth by slowing the production of saliva, which leads to the appearance of bad breath, and you should also take into account not to drink too much sweetened drinks, given Because they contain sugars that the oral bacteria feed on, and if a person wants to eat them, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with water immediately after eating them.

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