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Catherine Zeta-Jones: ‘My marriage works because I enjoy my husband’s company’

Catherine Zeta-Jones is convinced her 20-year marriage to Michael Douglas works because they have a lot of fun together.

The couple briefly separated a few years ago but reconciled and now Catherine insists the marriage is back on track and she and fellow actor Douglas love each other’s company.

“We have a lot of fun together,” Catherine told WSJ.

“With any relationship, it wouldn’t be normal if there weren’t any ups and downs,” she went on, proclaiming: “The constant is love and respect. We’ve never ever lost our sense of humour.”

Offering a glimpse inside the relationship, Catherine said the unusual way the couple organise their time is a factor in their success.

“My husband and I spend a lot of time together because, unlike so many couples, we’ve never had a nine-to-five job, where it’s consistent,” she shared.

“We’re either on or we’re off,” Catherine pondered, “I’m really working 16 hours a day, or I’m not. He’s doing the same, or not.”

She explained: “So we’ve had, in our relationship, huge amounts of time where we’ve been just us. We lived on the island of Bermuda for 12 years, bringing up our kids. We respect each other’s space, and our humor is just long-lasting.”

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