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Brazil … world’s first identical twin to undergo a “sex reassignment” operation

Brazilian Maila Resende and her sister Sophia Albuquerque have become the world’s first identical twins to undergo a transgender operation.Myla and Sophia, who are now 19 years old, were born as twins in the small town of Tapeira, southwest of Brazil, but they always felt that they were female, so they decided to undergo a reassignment surgery, and the girls were planning to travel to Thailand for a sex reassignment operation, but they managed to stay and contract a doctor Private in Brazil and have already undergone the operation in the city of Blumenau, southern Brazil, in mid-February, according to the newspaper “New York Post”.

Maela told local media that she and her sister were accustomed to doing everything together, were able to fulfill their dream and made the transition from male to female, becoming the first identical twin in the world to undergo this kind of operation.

Mayla expressed her hope that their story will become an inspiration to everyone who suffers from this matter, and she wants their story to contribute to spreading awareness among people about the processes of sexual change. Public health, and there is one private clinic in Brazil, which conducts this process, which you underwent the operation.

The two sisters talked about being bullied inside the school before, and Mayla said that her classmates once threw her into their notebooks.

On the other hand, the two girls were receiving support from their family members who were sure that they were girls, and the grandfather of the two girls on the mother’s side sold a house he owned, in order to pay for the cost of sexual reassignment operations.

Mayla said, they underwent hormonal treatment throughout their conversion and that their journey was long, but they are happy with the results they have reached now.

In an interview with the media, Mayla added that she is now looking forward to completing her studies in medical school, and that at some point she will be able to buy a new house for her grandfather, in order to return part of his beautiful initiative towards her.She added that she and Sophia want to be mothers in the future, be their families, and she wants to help trans people in order to pursue their dreams, and not to let go of them.

Source: New York Post + Daily Star + Instagram

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