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Unexpected effects that occur to your body when you eat “microwave” meals daily

Who among us does not have a microwave? Who among us does not use it daily thanks to its speed in heating food and preserving its flavor? However, we don’t know what might happen to our bodies when we constantly microwaved

Vitamins and minerals
Some believe that heated or microwaved meals lead to neurological and cellular diseases, but this is not the case. The amount of minerals and vitamins in it, which reduces the nutritional value that the body gets, unlike the vegetables in the microwave that do not take 5-7 minutes to cook, so they retain minerals and vitamins in addition to water.

Obtaining toxic substances
Some people make a mistake in relying on the packages that prepared food comes with, and they may be plastic or unfit for exposure to microwave radiation, which increases the chances of the body being exposed and getting toxic materials, such as plastic leaking from the containers into the food, thus leading to leakage Phthalate is a chemical harmful to the body.

the salt
Microwave fast meals are rich in sodium, to preserve them as well as provide them with a distinctive food and taste, but its presence in foods in high quantities leads to many health problems, including water retention in the body, which is an annoying problem that affects the kidneys and weight gain.

Although microwave meals contain a high percentage of minerals and vitamins, as there are meals that include vegetables and protein, which provides high nutritional value from dietary fibers, they contain preservatives to stay for a long time without damage or spoilage, as well as high amounts of sodium added to Those meals, causing weight gain.

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