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Jennifer Lopez reveals she and Alex Rodriguez underwent therapy

Jennifer Lopez has revealed she and her fiance Alex Rodriguez underwent therapy during quarantine.

The pop sensation, 51, said counseling had been beneficial on their relationship of nearly four years, as she spoke with Allure about their lives in lockdown.

‘We got to work on ourselves,’ JLo told the fashion magazine. ‘We did therapy. I think it was really helpful for us in our relationship.’

Jennifer’s interview comes as revealed a judge had thrown out a plea by Rodriguez to squash racketeering and embezzlement allegations against him in his $50million court battle with his former brother-in-law.

In her interview with Allure, the perennially-busy superstar described slowing down her ordinarily action-packed lifestyle once the pandemic struck the U.S. last year.

Interestingly, while JLo longed for her pre-pandemic days, her fiance embraced the change of pace.

‘I miss being creative and running on 150,’ she told the site. ‘But Alex, of all people, was like, “I love it. I love being at home. I love doing my Zooms. I love knowing the kids are there, and you’re there all the time.” It has been actually really good.’

JLo was also in the midst of planning their lavish wedding at the time the health crisis occurred, forcing them to postpone their nuptials to a later date.

‘We had been planning for months and months and months, and it was overseas,’ she said. ‘Maybe that wasn’t the right time,’ she added. ‘You start thinking of all of these things — how everything has its kind of perfect, divine moment.’

Jennifer’s revelation that she and Alex received therapy comes just days after the former baseball player landed at the center of a controversy involving Southern Charm star Madison LeCroy.

LeCroy was accused of getting intimate with a married, former MLB player on the Southern Charm reunion, and though she denied seeing this man – whose identity was withheld on the show – in person, she later admitted to Page Six the individual in question was Alex Rodriguez.

LeCroy admitted they had been in touch over the phone, but had never seen each other in person.

She also categorized their exchanges as ‘innocent.’

‘That’s the truth,’ she said, clarifying they had ‘never been physical… never had any kind of anything. Just an acquaintance.’

LeCroy insisted Rodriguez had ‘never physically cheated’ on Jennifer with her.

A source with knowledge of the situation previously told ‘Alex has never met or spoken to Madison or anyone from the show.’

Meanwhile, Rodriguez has been plunged further into legal drama following a new development in his case with his former brother-in-law, Constantine Scurtis. can reveal that a judge has thrown out a plea by Rodriguez to squash racketeering and embezzlement allegations made against him in his $50million court battle against his former brother-in-law.

The baseball legend filed to have the claims dismissed after bombshell legal papers accused him of ‘criminal activity’ during his alleged fraudulent takeover of the property empire he built with Constantine.

But a Miami judge Thursday ruled the allegations contained in an amended complaint by Scurtis will remain – saying: ‘Defendants’ motion to dismiss is denied.’

Rodriguez will now have to answer to those allegations at a civil jury trial set for August 2.

The move is a stunning blow to the former New York Yankee turned business tycoon, who could face a maximum 30 years in jail if he ever faced a criminal investigation over the civil racketeering claims.

A-Rod could also have a huge chunk of his $350million fortune seized if convicted under the Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

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