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An American woman from Wisconsin has surrendered after watching the series “Artegral Resurrection”

An American woman from Wisconsin converted to Islam and called herself Khadija after she was deeply affected by the Turkish historical series that deals with the biography of Artgrel Ghazi, father of Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire.

Khadija (60 years old) lives in a small town in the state of Wisconsin, in the north of the United States of America.

In an interview with Anatolia, Khadija talked about her journey with the “Artegral Resurrection,” which culminated in her conversion to Islam.

Khadija says that one day, while she was searching for something to watch on the Netflix platform, the series “Artegral Resurrection” caught her attention, as it was about a historical period about which she did not know anything. .

She indicated that she was very impressed with the personalities of Artgrel, Turgut, and Seljan Khatun, and that she was sad when she learned that the character of “Bamsey Burke” is not real and was not really next to Artgrel.

She added that the mystic, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, became her favorite character in the series, and that his words influenced her a lot and sometimes made her cry, and that the religious messages in his dialogues in the series gave her life a new meaning.

Khadija explained that she began to search for Islamic and Ottoman history while watching the series and that she would stop some scenes and then go to search for information on the topics covered in the series and then watch again.

She added that she was so impressed with the series that she watched all its parts four times and is currently watching it for the fifth time, and that thanks to the series, she became interested in Islamic history and the history of the Ottoman Empire, so she began searching and viewing some other materials on the Internet to provide more information about Islamic history.

The series “Artegral Resurrection” takes place in the thirteenth century AD in the period preceding the establishment of the Ottoman Empire, and deals with the life of the hero Artgrel bin Kunduz Alp, the leader of the Kayi tribe, one of the Muslim Oguz Turks, and the father of Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire (656 AH / 1258 AD – Hegira 726 / AD 1326)

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