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First person to get Pfizer Covid vaccine Margaret Keenan, 90, gets second dose

Margaret Keenan, 90, who was the world’s first patient to receive the Pfizer coronavirus vacine following its clinical approval, has received her second jab.

Mrs Keenan, from Coventry, received the initial injection on December 8. NHS England said at the time that she would have a “booster jab” 21 days later “to ensure she has the best chance of being protected against the virus”.

On Tuesday, she returned to the hospital in her home town where this second dose was administered.

This means she is set to be protected from Covid-19 within days.

Speaking after receiving her historic first jab, Mrs Keenan – known as Maggie – said: “Hopefully it’ll help other people come along and do what I did, and try and do the best to get rid of this terrible thing.”

The Mother-of-two added: “I say go for it, because it’s free and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened.

“If I can do it; well, so can you,” she said.

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