Tom Cruise lost his cool recently when he spotted two assistants ignoring social distancing rules, and launched into a furious tirade, threatening to fire anyone who didn’t take the rules seriously.

While many have applauded the star for taking the regulations so seriously, Remini was distinctly unimpressed with his actions, and shared her frustrations in a letter posted exclusively to the whistleblowing blog The Underground Bunker.

The King of Queens star spoke about Cruise’s long-held faith in the Church of Scientology, and explained that Scientologists don’t believe in illness and consider it to be connected to “suppressive” people.

“Tom does not care about the families of his crew; this is all for publicity. Tom does not believe in family values,” she shared. “I would bet that Tom had this rant written for him and had his Scientology assistant record and release it.

“Hearing a rich actor with enormous power address his crew in this way is a sign of weakness and a deeply troubled person,” added the star, before questioning the Top Gun star’s mental wellbeing. “Tom seems to think that Hollywood is incapable of making films without his help,” she stated. “Saying such a thing indicates the godlike figure Tom believes he is, and what he is told by Scientology.

Remini concluded: “This is an actor with enormous power on the set of his film, this is not just a guy in the middle of a public place standing up to someone for not wearing a mask. This is Tom Cruise wielding his power and threatening and degrading his crew.”