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Russian motorists are switching to electronic driver’s licenses


Representatives of the State Duma (Russian parliament) are of the opinion that paper and plastic driving licenses should be replaced by an electronic document in the form of a QR code.

The head of the Labor and Social Policy Committee of the State Duma, Yaroslav Nilov, indicated that it is time to move to modern forms of driving licenses, which will allow the application of the latest technologies in the field of interaction between traffic policemen and drivers who sufficeThey are allowed to reveal the QR code on his smartphone as long as there is an internet connection on the way.

The Russian Ministry of Digitization intends to conduct an experiment in this regard in some Russian regions, where drivers will use an electronic application equipped with a QR code. And if the experiment is successful, it will be applied throughout Russia.

In the first stage of the trial, drivers could use an electronic driver’s license in conjunction with a plastic driver’s license, he said. Later on, they should be dispensed with the last document, having become accustomed over time to modern technology.

While the State Duma deputy stressed the need to provide the Internet in all Russian regions and roads as a prerequisite for the success of the experiment.

Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda

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