Saudi Alyoom

Facebook bans ads for “weapons and protective equipment accessories” after Biden’s inauguration


“Facebook” announced that it will impose a temporary ban on ads for weapons accessories and protective equipment, and it will remain in effect, until at least two days after the inauguration of the US President-elect, Joe Biden, on January 20.

And “Facebook” indicated that this was motivated by “extreme caution.”

“We have already banned ads for weapons and ammunition, and weapon improvements such as silencers,” Facebook said.

“But we will now also ban ads for accessories, such as weapons cabinets, vests, and weapon holsters, in the United States,” she added.

The move came after Buzzfeed News reported last week that “Facebook was displaying ads for military equipment alongside content promoting misinformation about the elections and news of riots in the Capitol.”

Three senators and four attorneys general wrote this week letters to Facebook, demanding that the advertisement of military goods and tactical gear be permanently stopped.

Source: “THE HILL”

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