Saudi Alyoom

KSrelief aids families across Yemen, Jordan, Sudan


Saudi aid agency KSrelief continues to assist vulnerable individuals and families in Yemen, Jordan and Sudan by distributing food, shelter and medical supplies.

In Yemen, KSrelief provided shelter bags and tents to 21 families in the Al-Abr district of Hadramout governorate, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday.

Additionally, 1,411 food baskets were distributed in Hadibu and Qalansiyah districts of Socotra governorate, benefiting 8,466 people, and 2,123 food baskets were given in Al-Khokha and Hays districts of Hodeidah governorate, benefiting 14,861 individuals.

In Jordan, KSrelief clinics offered medical services to 2,511 people within one week at the Zaatari camp for Syrian refugees.

In Sudan, KSrelief distributed 900 food baskets to displaced families in Gedaref state, benefiting 4,420 individuals.

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