Saudi Alyoom

COVID-19: French president Emmanuel Macron tests positive for coronavirus


France’s president Emmanuel Macron has tested positive for coronavirus, his office has said.

The Elysee Palace in Paris said on Thursday the 42-year-old was tested after showing early symptoms.

He will now isolate for seven days but will continue to work and carry out his activities remotely.

The brief statement did not give details of the symptoms the French president was experiencing.

His wife Brigitte, 67, is also self-isolating, her office said, although she is not showing any COVID-19 symptoms.

Mr Macron was due to visit Lebanon next week on 22 December. The trip has now been cancelled, a spokeswoman said.

It was not immediately clear what contact tracing efforts were in progress, but palace officials added he was trying to assess where he may have contracted the virus.

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