Saudi Alyoom

Man on trial in Germany accused of threatening to blow up British hospital


A 33-year-old man is going on trial in Berlin on allegations that he threatened to blow up a British hospital unless he was paid £10 million in cryptocurrency.

The Italian man, who lives in the German capital, was identified only as Emil A, in line with German privacy laws.

He is accused of attempted extortion over allegations he sent an email in April from his home to the NHS, threatening the attack on an unspecified hospital unless the he received the funds in his Bitcoin account.

The NHS did not respond, and the suspect sent another 17 threatening emails until his arrest in June, according to prosecutors.

Investigators tracked the suspect through his electronic trail, which he had attempted to conceal through basic encryption that was easily cracked, said court spokeswoman Lisa Jani.

“It was not highly professional,” she said.

Investigators determined the suspect had no bomb and no specific target, and the case was assigned to a Berlin district court rather than a higher court due to the nature of the allegations, Ms Jani said.

The charges will be read to the court on Friday. The defendant will have an opportunity to respond but no pleas are entered in the German system.

The trial resumes on December 16 with evidence from German investigators.

British authorities will participate as witnesses during the trial by video link.

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