Saudi Alyoom

KSrelief and UNpeace held workshop in Riyadh


The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), in cooperation with the United Nations University for Peace (UPEACE) , held a workshop titled “Preparing Budgets for Non-Profit Sectors” at KSrelief headquarters in Riyadh recently.

Attending the workshop was UPEACE Permanent Observer to the United Nations Office in Geneva and UNESCO Dr. David Fernandez Puyana.

The workshop aimed to boost KSrelief employees’ capability to prepare general budgets for entities working in the humanitarian field in order to help them develop effective annual financial plans.

The workshop also aimed to strengthen the partnership between KSrelief and UPEACE, and help them exchange experience and achieve the strategic goals of KSrelief by building a distinguished team of employees who work with professionalism and experience.

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