Saudi Alyoom

The secret of the inscription “Muhammad is the Prophet of God” on a rock in the United States!


History shows, at some stages, a very complex tapestry whose threads are difficult to follow. In this context, there is a debate about who arrived first in North America. Who preceded Columbus there, really Muslims from the East?

Based on important historical books and references, a number of researchers confirm the existence of evidence that Muslims arrived on the American mainland about seven centuries before Christopher Columbus.

One of them points out in defense of this hypothesis that “archaeological excavations and linguistic analyzes of the tongues and names of settlements in the region, and the discovery of coins, household items and other utensils that were similar to those found by the Abbasids in the eighth and ninth centuries, are all justifications for the theory that Muslims, starting with From the 650th century AD they made their way to the continent for settlement, and during this period they set up mosques and schools, leaving a long influence on the indigenous population, that is, the American Indians.

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The Turkish researcher Salih Yucel goes so far as to say that there is a great possibility that some of the Companions arrived in America! This came in the context of his citation of a research by Professor Barry Fell of Harvard University, in which he asserted that the Muslims arrived there during the reign of Caliph Othman bin Affan.

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Professor Barry Fell, a member of the American Academy of Sciences and Arts, confirms, by reviewing the results of various archaeological excavations that were conducted in many areas in the states of Colorado, New Mexico and Indiana, that the construction of Islamic schools took place between the years 700-800 AD, pointing out that the drawings and inscriptions discovered On rocks in remote areas of the western regions of the United States, it was written in the ancient Kufic letters of the Arabic language of North Africa, covering such subjects as reading, writing, arithmetic, religion, history, geography, mathematics, astronomy, and navigation. Anasazi, Huacamo, and Olmec.

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Professor Phil has physical evidence in the form of the inscription “In the name of God” in the attached photo. It was found on a rock during archaeological excavations in Nevada, indicating that its history dates back to the seventh century AD, before dots appeared on the letters of the Arabic language.

This researcher also believes that another inscription of the phrase “Muhammad is the Prophet of God” is also closely related to the same era, and that the two inscriptions were not written in the style of the modern Arabic language, but rather in the Kufic script associated with the seventh century.

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This American academic believes, based on excavations that took place in the region, that Arabs settled in Nevada during the seventh and eighth centuries.

It is assumed that the excavations in Nevada revealed writings in Arabic in Kufic script inscribed on rocks that carry mathematical information. From that is an inscription believed to be a mathematical formula stating that “five diamonds equal one alpha” and alif is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet.

A lot of evidence is provided for similar inscriptions and architectural details that are believed to be quite similar to others found in Morocco, for example.

As for the reason for the disappearance of the Arab race from America, the proponents of this theory see in the context of their arguments that the Athakan tribe, consisting of Apaches and Navajos, raided the region inhabited by Arabs in the twelfth century, and these ended up fleeing or exiled towards the south.

It was said about the Native Americans of the American Indians that they were “fascinated by the schools founded by the Arabs, and they may have tried, with the help of the captives, to imitate the same subjects, and to transform geometric shapes into mythical monsters, which continued for centuries.”

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