Saudi Alyoom

The interpretation of the video “luminous threads” in the sky of Spain


After speculation about the nature of the long luminous strands that appeared in the sky of Spain on Tuesday night, which surprised and puzzled many, it turned out that it was the remnants of a Chinese space rocket that re-entered the atmosphere.

“I think it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in the sky,” said Miguel Cruz, who filmed a video that showed several bright objects crossing the sky over the southern Spanish province of Granada and doubling as they burned.

Cruz had seen a notice of debris falling from the upper stage of the Chinese CZ2F missile, and had gone specially to take pictures from a balcony.

“I didn’t have high hopes, but tonight I was lucky,” he added.
Similar videos from other regions on Twitter initially sparked speculation on the part of users, especially since many believed that they were meteors, alien ships or falling satellites, but in the end the explanation of the rocket convinced skeptics.

The rocket, launched on June 5, carried a vehicle that carried 3 astronauts to the Chinese space station.


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