Saudi Alyoom

British witch “contribute to protecting the environment” .. How?


Talking about using magic to create environmental awareness may seem like a fantasy, but British witch Megan Swan has another point of view.

Megan, who studied wildlife conservation at university, is increasingly concerned about the huge problems nature faces and the lack of appropriate action.

“One of the main things that I realized from my undergraduate degree is how important environmental education is,” she said. “We have a lot of solutions to these problems, but we don’t implement them.”
She added, “I started using magic and inventing tricks that included an environmental message to show in schools, and she continued, “Use magic as a means of communication, it is a way to attract attention and convey the message in a fun way.”

Megan got her first set of magical toys at the age of five, and said that one of her favorite magic tricks is to display three dresses representing plants, animals and insects, beginning with equal lengths, in a sign of ecological balance.

She added, “As I talk about those issues the world is facing that are mainly caused by humans, the lengths of those gowns vary… Then I talk about what we can do to help bring those elements back to their original weight, in equal lengths.”

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