Saudi Alyoom

Anomalies in the weather.. Muscovites listen to Spanish radio programs


The Muscovites suddenly began to hear European broadcasts on Russian radio waves in an anomaly that experts attributed to the “agitated ionosphere”.

On Tuesday, June 7, Muscovites began hearing speech in German and Spanish on regular radios. They were surprised by this even though the signals disappeared from time to time. And when she appeared, she sounded loud and clear. Later it was joined by Poland, Romania and Hungary.

This phenomenon (foreign audio broadcasts) was heard by tens of thousands of people. Meanwhile, we got to know the typical European broadcasting program where there are a lot of radio talk shows and a lot about politics and music, including popular music.

The fact is that Tuesday, June 7, it was expected that the Earth would be bombarded with hundreds and thousands of meteors coming from one side of the sun. Of course, they are not visible, but it is not excluded that they can disrupt wireless communications,

According to the well-known expert in radio communications, Professor Vladimir Polyakov, the meteorites have nothing to do with what happened, and the reason is the ionosphere or the so-called “S” layer of it, which hangs high above the ground and fell into a state of irritation. They are usually a little active.”

He continued, “It is the summer season and the short nights, and there is a lot of solar radiation that seems irritating, so as long as Spain has become audible, this means that the phenomenon will not last long, and its region will soon turn to the Atlantic Ocean.”

“At the same time, the coincidence of a severe meteor storm with this phenomenon raises the question: did the meteorites affect the ionosphere? – such passes usually cause the temperature to rise. So the abnormal heat wave is coming one way or another, and above us,” Polikov noted. Electrified layers at an altitude of 80 km affect the weather in one way or another. We are waiting for surprises.”

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