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Couple forced to keep dead baby in fridge after miscarriage ‘hell’


A woman was forced to keep her baby’s remains in their home fridge after she suffered a miscarriage and was reportedly turned away by NHS staff.

Laura Brody attended the A&E department at University Hospital Lewisham, in south-east London, with her partner Lawrence White after experiencing a miscarriage at home.

Responding to the case on Monday night, Maria Caulfield, the minister for women’s health, offered her condolences to the couple and vowed to do more support women experiencing miscarriage.

The couple, who were carrying their baby’s remains in a plastic box, were put in a waiting room with around 30 other people and told to “sit at the back”.

They held their baby’s remains in the waiting room for about five hours after staff allegedly told them there was nowhere safe to store them.

Ms Brody told The Guardian: “They said we didn’t have the paperwork for the remains to be taken to the mortuary. Which we found extraordinary, because it was ridiculous to expect someone who had just given birth at home to suddenly conjure up paperwork.”

Told she would need surgery

Ms Brody was eventually taken to a bay where she was told she would need surgery to remove the placenta, but still no member of staff would help them with their baby or even look at it, the couple claim.

“There was no one at the hospital willing to take charge of our baby,” Mr White told the BBC.

“No one seemed to know what was going on. Our baby had been in a hot room for nearly five hours now.

“So we decided together that I would take him home.”

Around midnight Mr White went home in a taxi and cleared space in their fridge to place their baby’s remains.

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust has said that a full investigation into what happened was under way.

Ms Brody had originally attended the hospital’s early pregnancy unit after she started bleeding heavily four months into her pregnancy.

The couple were told that there was still a heartbeat but after further scans days later, doctors confirmed their baby had died.

Sent home to wait for a bed

Ms Brody was sent home to wait for a bed to become available at the hospital to give birth. Two days later she had a miscarriage at home in the bathroom.

“And it was then I saw it was a boy,” she told the BBC.

The couple called 999, but were told that their situation was not an emergency. They wrapped their son’s remains in a cloth, placed him in a Tupperware box and made their own way to A&E.

Ms Brody said of the experience: “It feels like there’s no safety net when things go wrong with pregnancy.

“And even with all the staff and experts working really hard, the processes are so flawed that it just felt like we’d been tipped into hell.”

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust said: “We are deeply sorry and offer our sincerest condolences to Ms Brody and her partner for the tragic loss of their baby and these traumatic experiences.

“A full investigation is under way to understand where failings in care may have occurred so that any necessary changes and improvements can be made.”

Ms Caulfield said: “Every loss of a child is a tragedy, and my deepest sympathies are with Ms Brody and her family.

“This Government is committed to making the NHS the safest place in the world for maternity care and we have invested £95 million into the recruitment of 1,200 midwives and 100 consultant obstetricians, while our new maternity disparities task force is exploring how to further reduce the number of still births and maternal deaths.

“Later this year, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists will publish new guidelines which will support NHS trusts to deliver more personalised miscarriage care, helping women through every step of their journey including treatment options and management of future pregnancies.”

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