Saudi Alyoom

Thieves steal 500-ton steel bridge overnight


Indian newspapers and social media in the country are buzzing with the news that a 500-ton steel bridge has been completely stolen and disappeared overnight.
According to the “timesofindia” website, the theft that took place in the Amayor region, about 40 kilometers from Sasaram, became the talk of the country and the population, as the thieves succeeded in stealing a large bridge in stages.
Local citizens pointed out that the thieves had acted like “kitchen cockroaches”, cutting the metal bridge weighing more than 500 tons, since the opening of a concrete balance bridge in a nearby area five years ago, but they did not expect that the bridge and the entire structure would disappear overnight.

The sources noted that the bridge was used for 45 years to cross the “Ara Soni” waterway in Bihar, where it is about 60 feet (more than 18 meters) long.

Police officer Subhash Kumar said the thieves used bulldozers and gas torches to cut the bridge and escape with it.
The sources noted that the theft of the bridge’s metal attracted “mining mafia” groups to it, as the value of the metal extracted from the bridge is a great fortune.

Oddly enough, this is not the first time that a bridge has disappeared. In 2012, thieves stole a bridge in broad daylight in the Czech Republic, after claiming to be demolition workers.

Last year, thieves stole $100,000 worth of steel from a bridge in Pennsylvania, in the United States.
In 2004, a 36-foot steel bridge was stolen in Ukraine for use as scrap metal.

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