Saudi Alyoom

April 9, 2003… A day the Iraqis will never forget… the Americans are destroying Mesopotamia


Iraqis will not forget the 9th of April 2003, when the scenes on the ground changed within minutes in a way that has no real and logical explanation until now. Minutes did not pass since the statements of the Iraqi Minister of Information, Muhammad Saeed Al-Sahhaf, about defeating the “American infidels”, until the scenes moved to wander Americans in the streets of the capital Rashid.
Nineteen years have passed since that fateful day, during which a lot has changed radically, not in Iraq but in the region and the world. Iraq has turned into fragmentation and a sectarian, poor, oppressed and weak country stripped of sovereignty and power, without democracy or a goal, a scattered den of terrorism and the world’s spies messing around as they please without deterrence. The Arab opposition collapsed and everyone scrambled to normalize… two decades after that painful memory… How do those who lived through it talk about it?
The Iraqi politician and security researcher, Amer Awad Al-Dulaimi, recalls the events that he witnessed on April 9, 2003, when the Americans penetrated the forts of Baghdad in the dramatic and unforgettable scene, saying: “It is not hidden from the whole world why America came to occupy a stable and free country, and what are the goals And the justifications, that America and its allies have drawn up a plan to occupy Iraq since the seventies, i.e. after the nationalization of oil, and when it noticed the scientific, cultural and social development in Iraq, it was necessary for it to find pretexts and arguments in order to enter the region to occupy the most important geographical spot in the world, where the wealth, minerals and water are.” .
unstated goals
Al-Dulaimi continued his talk to “Sputnik”, among other undeclared goals, that America make Iraq and the Middle East a military and intelligence base in order to lead the world in the name of the new world order, and to rule the world with the so-called world government based in Washington, in order to place everyone who agrees with its project in a strait The rule and this scheme is not in Iraq or the region, but in the whole world, as well as besieging Russia and China in order to control them and subjugate it to its new world order, but after the occupation of Iraq and the killing of its people and the displacement of its children, as well as what happened in Syria, Libya and Yemen, this matter made the major countries of the world like Russia And China is aware of the US-Western scheme.
the collapse of capitalism
It was a great reaction by these countries, especially Russia, according to Al-Dulaimi’s hadith, and we now notice the emergence of a new global power and a global pole that may make global capitalism collapse at any moment and the signs of collapse are now very clear, and from here on all free people in the world, especially the Middle East region to reconsider The method of its relations with America and the West, and work to make this world live in balance and peace for the sake of all mankind, and all the liberation forces in the world must recalculate according to the logic of reason and wisdom and stand in the face of the so-called new world order so that this world is a free world that works for Save humanity instead of killing it.
American revenge
In the same context, Ali Aziz Amin, head of the Political Bureau of the Revolutionary Alternative for Change says, the real and only concern of America since 1990 is to control the region and its wealth, control its capabilities and secure Israel’s sovereignty over the Arab world. As for the slogans of democracy and human rights, they are pretexts that it uses as propaganda material for Justifying its aggressive and malicious imperialist policy against the Arab nation as a whole and against Iraq as a special case, after it failed in 1991, and after the battle of Umm al-Malik with its military side in addition to its economic front by imposing an unjust siege on the Iraqi people, who resisted and confronted with every heroism and turned around their national leadership.
Aziz continued, in his speech to “Sputnik”: “When Iraq returned to recovery and intensified its return again and was ready to exercise its future role as the first to stand up to the Zionist entity, the American government decided to invade and with it the armies of 34 countries, that was in the year 2003 as is known to all, in a battle History bears witness to the heroism of the valiant Iraqi army, which taught the scoundrels of the wicked invaders a lesson in valor and defense of his country, especially in the battles of Umm Qasr and the snake-cutting battles that extended from Basra to Baghdad and ended with the battle of the airport, in which our forces killed more than four thousand elements from invaders”.
Amin said: “When Bush saw what was happening to them in Iraq, he decided to bomb the airport and those in it, from Saddam’s Fedayeen forces and Medina’s “Republican Guard” forces, as well as the bodies of their dead scattered with bombs that dissolved trees and stones, thus he would have hidden the evidence of their awful defeat, and they declared the occupation of Baghdad on the fateful day of the ninth of April 2003 to begin the page of the valiant resistance.
unjust war
As for the Iraqi researcher, Hanan Abdel Latif, the regional director of the Al-Rafidain International Center for Justice and Human Rights in Europe, she says: “The ninth of April 2003 is the fateful day for every loyal Iraqi who wept with burning when he saw the sight of American tanks roaming the streets of Baghdad. This day was the most intense and cruel scenes of the unjust war. Which was launched by Bush and his coalition against Iraq on March 19, 2003 under the pretext of the lie of weapons of mass destruction, where the aircraft of the coalition led by the United States intensified its bombing of all military, civilian and vital sites in all the governorates of Iraq, which caused the martyrdom of civilians, children, women and the elderly.
And Abdul Latif continued in her speech to “Sputnik”, and despite the inequality of military power, the Iraqi army remained steadfast in front of this large force and advanced military technology that the Iraqi military establishment lacked, as it also suffered for 12 years of the unjust siege, and despite that, it remained The army fiercely resisted the occupier for more than 20 days until the airport massacre on April 4, in which the coalition forces used forbidden weapons (napalm bombs) and then were able to invade Iraq by land.
legendary endurance

We must remember the heroism of our patient and militant army, which continued to fight and resist the occupier in Umm Qasr district, south of Basra, for two weeks, according to Abdul Latif. The military announced that they had brought democracy, which caused the martyrdom of more than a million Iraqis, orphaned 5 million children and widowed 2 million women.
Washington goals
She pointed out that America has turned Iraq into a source country of terrorism that includes the most dangerous terrorist groups and militias loyal to the Iranian regime, which are today on international terrorism lists and participate in Parliament. Now from Iran, and turned into a country without sovereignty or democracy.
America and Israel
The Iraqi academic and politician, Dr. Shaker Kuttab, believes that the entry of Americans into Iraq away from all the pretexts that have been marketed for years, this matter was a Zionist-American scheme aimed at destroying Iraq’s capabilities at all levels, especially military and economic, to ensure Israel’s security and strategic superiority over all countries in the region And imposing normalization with it, and the second purpose is to seize control of energy sources, specifically oil and gas.
In his speech to “Sputnik”, he explained: “Their invading forces occupied wells and wells and imposed agreements and contracts on us for tens of years, through which they guaranteed dominance over our natural resources and deprived us of all the ability to control them and employ them for national development. Iraq and overburdened it with debts and obligations, which will reflect on its ability to confront Israel one day.”

Sectarianism and normalization
A book pointed out that the region’s trend towards normalization intensified and expanded after the occupation of Iraq and the imbalance of the strategic balance equation from the military, economic and civilizational aspects, and among America’s crimes in our country after the occupation was planting sectarianism among the components of the people, spreading ignorance and backwardness by closing schools, destroying cultural landmarks and weakening universities in various ways. ways, but the valiant revolution of the Iraqi people in October took their sleep and terrified them and reminded them that the future is ours.
black day
On her part, the Iraqi politician and academic, Dr. Alaa Al-Azzawi, says, “It was a gloomy and black day by all standards. I have never seen anything like it in my life. Everything turned into ashes and smoke, brutal blows that betray a deep-seated hatred towards the land and the people. I only saw tears flowing from the eyes of men.” And women are alike when they see the military occupation mechanism started loitering in the streets of our capital, with a group of mercenaries who came with the occupiers, wearing civilian clothes and speaking with a strange accent that we are only used to on satellite channels and claiming that they are from the people of Iraq. She told “Sputnik”, “Since that day, the journey of destruction led by the evil America and its mercenaries began. Its first goals were the control of its forces over the Iraqi Museum, the House of Manuscripts, and the Iraqi Oil Ministry, which was a short distance from my place of residence, 19 years and we are looking for land and an identity, They turned us into warring sects, nationalities and clans after we were Iraqis, our identity is Mesopotamia, despite the difference of our Iraq. They pounced like predatory monsters on the institutions of our future state, demolishing them and spreading ignorance, superstition and decadence. Yes, this is the religion of the occupation.
message to the occupier
Al-Azzawi sent a message to America and those who helped it, saying: “On this occasion, I would like to say and direct my message to the invading occupier and those who came with his tanks, arms, and servants, that Iraq, our master and our father, may fall ill and erupt intensely, but he will not die and will remain the skull of the Arabs and the treasure of men, and history has not witnessed that A free people has allowed a sinful occupier to control it. Yes, a generation has risen from the depths of despair, very valiant, stubborn and tyrannical.
question marks
As for the Iraqi researcher and academic, Maha Saad, she believes that there are deep questions about the entry of the American occupation on this particular day and what the workers’ link between them and the “Al-Sadr family”, as this day, April 9, 2003 is the same day that Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr was executed in 1980. Under the pretext of his communication with the Iranian regime to overthrow the regime in Iraq.
And she continued in her interview with “Sputnik”, and what concerns us here is the depth of the workforce that arranged the entry of Americans to Baghdad on this particular day, and on this date the statue of Iraqi President “Saddam Hussein” was removed, as the al-Sadr family sent their popular followers to symbolically overthrow Saddam, by dropping his statue in the square Paradise in Baghdad on the same day.
The war on Iraq began on March 19, 2003, and days later, specifically on the morning of April 9, 2003, the American forces arrived in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and entered it in a scene that is still being researched until now, about how the Iraqi army and weapons disappeared within hours, which has revealed his secret for the coming years.

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