Saudi Alyoom

Do drugs prevent Zelensky from being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?

The European Parliament has nominated Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.
Although the deadline for submitting nominations for the prize has passed, current and former politicians in Europe submitted an exception request to the Norwegian Nobel Committee on March 11.

Parliamentarians and politicians from the Netherlands, Britain, Estonia, Sweden, Bulgaria and others have called for the nomination process to be reopened until March 31 so that they can perform their “democratic duty to stand up to tyranny and support a people struggling for democracy and the right to self-government.” The letter ended with the parliamentarians calling themselves the “guardians of the delicate veneer of civilization”, which haunts them and they never rest.

On the other hand, former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who was overthrown in the 2014 coup backed by Western powers led by the United States of America, commented during a meeting on March 14, that President Zelensky promised his voters an end to the military conflict in the east of the country, despite He did not start it. The citizens believed him and elected him president. Unfortunately, he deceived them and gradually rejected the Donbass peace plans, which were to reintegrate the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics into Ukraine.

But the chief medical officer, former State Duma deputy and vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Gennady Onishchenko, believes Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is a drug abuser and has developed non-reversible drug addiction symptoms.

Speaking at a conference on “Covid-19”, Onishchenko said: “As a doctor, I sympathize with him, because today it is already clear today that he is a severe, irreversible addict, and that is undoubtedly a disease.”

Commenting on the nomination of some European politicians for the Nobel Prize, Onishchenko said: “The Nobel Committee has completely lost its credibility, especially with regard to the Nobel Peace Prize.”

For its part, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has not yet responded to the request of European Parliamentarians to reopen the nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize for Zelensky.

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