Saudi Alyoom

“Samsung” may be subject to an official investigation because of the “Galaxy S22” phone … and some of its users are demanding compensation for their deception


Reports revealed that the South Korean company, “Samsung”, may face a legal problem, after fears spread that it would throttle the performance of smart applications, in order to preserve the life of its phone batteries.
Sources claim to The Korea Herald that South Korea’s Fair Trade Commission is “expected” to investigate Samsung over allegations that it violated advertising law when marketing its new Galaxy S22 series of phones.
And it was reported recently that while “Samsung” claims that its “Galaxy S22” phone has “the best performance ever”, its “Game Optimization Service” (GOS) limits its speed to preserve battery life and prevent its overheating.

In a related context, the Korean “Yonhap” news agency reported that the owners of the “Galaxy S22” phones in South Korea are preparing a class action lawsuit against “Samsung” for distorting the capabilities of the new phone, and said that they feel “deceived”, and each of them is asking for a sum of money. $243 in compensation.
Recently, Samsung promised to give a special update to its Game Enhancement Service (GOS) that gives users control over throttling, however it denied reports that it slows down public apps like Netflix and Tik Tok.

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