Saudi Alyoom

The first response from the Syndicate of Acting Professions to the crisis of the movie “Ashab wala Aziz” .. And stars support Mona Zaki


The Egyptian Acting Professions Syndicate, headed by Captain Ashraf Zaki, issued a statement about the crisis of the movie “Ashab wala Aziz”, which starred the Egyptian star, Mona Zaki, and a few stars, and sparked great controversy.
In a statement, the Syndicate affirmed: “On the basic principles, the most important of which is preserving freedom of creativity in a civil state that believes in freedom as an essential part of the conscience of Egyptian artists, which is protected and defended by the Syndicate.”

And she said, “The Syndicate will not stand idly by in front of any verbal assault or attempt to intimidate any Egyptian artist or undermine him, as a result of a work of art in which he contributed with its author and director, and the Syndicate will support the artist Mona Zaki in the event that some try to take any action of any kind towards the artist.” Guild member.

And she continued: “The role of arts and soft powers is to address thorny issues and to sound the alarm on many phenomena that may infiltrate our society, and Egyptian artists and creators must address them with their works, which reveal many of them and give a message to alert everyone, and this is the role of art in general, and the role of arts. Acting especially.

The Syndicate called on everyone not to harm the artists of its members just because they participate in a work that some may agree or disagree on.
Many artists supported the artist, Mona Zaki, after the crisis raised by the movie “Ashab wala Aziz”, since it was shown on the Netflix platform on January 20, with the escalation of critics of the film, as they see that it promotes homosexuality and deviates from the values ​​​​of Arab societies until the demands of critics reached. to prevent him, and to file lawsuits against him.

The artist, Hend Sabry, congratulated the film’s heroes, saying: “Congratulations to my friends who are in the film.” The artist Ahmed Fahmy stated that “the attack on the film did not reduce or increase the artistic value of Mona Zaki,” marveling at the audience’s criticism of the work and Mona Zaki from a moral standpoint, on Despite their support for the international artist Rami Malek after receiving the Oscar.

Actress Ilham Shaheen defended the movie “Ashab wala Aziz” and its heroes, expressing her admiration for it, and praised Mona Zaki’s performance, saying: “Mona is a wonderful actress and presented one of her most important artistic roles. The complexes who want a cinema that raises the slogan (no touch), and the matter is limited to daring dialogue, and by the way, the dialogue is realistic, and it may actually take place between any group of friends, I do not know where the problem is?
The artist, Carole Samaha, said: “I liked the Arabic version of the movie “Ashab Wla Aziz”, a wonderful performance by all the actors, the script and directing are perfect, a special greeting to the creator Mona Zaki. I always like real works that reveal the hidden, break taboos and show the facts as they are. Continue.”

Nashwa Mustafa also commented: “I mean, our differences must remain a douche. We cannot disagree with a low voice, in all our differences of opinion on any subject. We turn to my family and Zamalek, very nervous and uncivilized, sir. Everyone has his view according to his psychological composition and the environment in which he was raised. and his convictions.

It is worth noting that “Ashab wala Aziz” is the first Arab film produced by Netflix, starring Mona Zaki, Iyad Nassar, Adel Karam, Nadine Labaki, Diamond Abboud, and George Khabbaz, and directed by Wissam Samira, in his first directorial experience.

Its events revolve around a group of 7 friends who meet for dinner and decide to play an entertaining game, where everyone places their mobile phones on the dinner table, provided that all new messages or calls that come to these phones are in full view of all those present at the dinner table.

The initially fun and interesting game soon turns into a barrage of scandals and secrets that came to unlocked phones, which no one, including the best friends, knew about.

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