Saudi Alyoom

2022 will witness the opening of a tourist season in the first palace of the Crimean Khanate


In 2022, guided tours of the First Palace of the Crimean Khanate and the Medieval School of Bakhchisaray are scheduled to begin.

This was announced by the head of the department at the Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars in Bakhchi Saray, Maryam Sitomyrova, in an interview with the Russian “TASS” agency.

According to the employee, the founder of the independent Crimean Khanate, Haji Giray, established in the 15th century the first palace in the mountainous region of Kirk-Ir, which is now a suburb of the city of Bakhchi Saray. Of the first palace facilities, only three buildings remained, namely the tomb of Haji Giri, the “Zingirli” Islamic school, and the “Minji Giri” mosque. The ruins of the ancient baths were also discovered.
The Russian state and the administration of the Republic of Crimea have now taken over the protection of those historical monuments that have entered the “Salachik” Historical Archaeological Complex.

The employee said: “Next year, we want to open the school for visits, and there is a grave near it for the first Crimean Khans.” She explained that it is not planned to show the remaining old facilities, but also to organize fixed and temporary exhibitions.

Particular attention will be paid to the “Zengirli” Islamic school, which was founded in 1500. It is considered one of the oldest educational institutions in Crimea and Eastern Europe.

The name “Zingerli” literally translates as “school with a chain” for the reason that the school was closed with a chain so that no one could enter without kneeling in front of the Temple of Knowledge.

Sitomirova said: “In Soviet times, the fate of the school was sad, as its building was converted into a psychiatric hospital. The school was restored in 2008 with the help of Turkish partners, but we also hope to continue the restoration process.”

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