Saudi Alyoom

No need to stress yourself… Putting all the benefits of exercise into a pill soon


Scientists are close to achieving an unprecedented medical breakthrough, which is putting all the benefits of exercise in a pill, rather than actually exercising it.
The new pill will combine a fat-burning hormone, which is released by muscles during exercise, into a memory-enhancing protein made during physical activity, according to the British newspaper, “Daily Mail”.
The pills are also supposed to carry treatments for obesity, type 2 diabetes, and even vision loss, osteoporosis and dementia, according to the study published in the medical journal Nature.

And scientific research conducted by American scientists, published last month, showed that giving lazy mice an injection containing the blood of mice that did a lot of exercise made them mentally sharper and their memory especially strong.

On two memory tests, including finding a way out of a maze, mice performed better after being given blood than other mice that had been regularly running at a wheel for the past month.
The team, from Stanford University School of Medicine, identified a protein called clostrin, an anti-inflammatory compound that is released in higher amounts when exercising, as responsible for most of the benefits.
Closterin levels were 20 percent higher in the blood of the exercised mice.
Other scientific experiments also showed that the compound “closterin” inhibits inflammation of the brain, which, over time, contributes to damaging the body’s cells and organs, and may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Stanford University researchers hope to create a synthetic drug that reverses the effect of exercise, although the first human trials are likely at least 7 years away.
Stanford scientists decided to work on developing these pills, because many people left exercising, either because of laziness or lack of time.
According to government data, only two-thirds of adults in Britain get the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, which includes brisk walking and mowing grass.

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