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Duchess Camilla’s son Tom admits he’s worried she’ll ‘muck around’ in her challenging new gig


Duchess Camilla has been hired as a guest editor on the July 2022 issue of Country Life magazine, in celebration of her upcoming 75th birthday. The exciting project will see Prince Charles’ second wife join forces with her son, Tom, who is a regular contributor to the Future publication.

In a press release for the special edition, the British weekly has promised readers a candid reflection on “the Duchess’s love of horses and dogs”, as well as an exclusive into her “champions of the countryside, her most cherished view and favorite recipe.” Her philanthropy, which focuses heavily on children’s charities and literary organizations, will also be explored.

It’s no secret that Camilla is a big fan of equestrianism, having fallen in love with horse riding after attending pony camps in childhood. She went on to win several rosettes at community gymkhanas and continues to follow the sport to this day.

The royal icon has also long had a reputation as a dog-lover, welcoming two rescue Jack Russell terriers, Beth and Bluebell, into her pristine residence of Clarence House in 2011 and 2012, respectively.

With so much interest in both nature and literature, it looks like Camilla could be the ideal candidate to edit a rural lifestyle magazine. However, not everyone is so sure she’ll rise to the challenge. Her son Tom has already admitted that, while he’s “delighted” by his mother’s new gig, he’s also a little concerned.

“As a columnist for Country Life, I’m delighted my mother will be guest-editing a special issue. But rather hoping she won’t try to muck about with my copy,” he joked in response to the news.

Luckily, the Duchess is unlikely to make any grave mistakes on the project, having already witnessed several other members of the Royal Family dabble in lifestyle journalism.

Prince Charles has now guest-edited Country Life twice, making his mark on it in 2013 for his 65th birthday, and again in 2018, when he turned 70. Princess Anne has also tried her hand at the job, joining its editorial team for her own 70th birthday in 2020.

Camilla’s highly-anticipated magazine will hit shelves on July 13, just four days before her birthday.

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