Saudi Alyoom

This is what would happen if the world was cut off from oxygen for only 5 seconds


Oxygen constitutes 21% of our atmosphere, while nitrogen constitutes 78% of it, and although it is not the most common gas on the planet’s surface, it is undoubtedly the most important for all forms of life, including humans.

It may come to mind that five seconds does not constitute a serious problem, as most people can hold their breath for thirty seconds without any problems.

But the planet does not share the same point of view, as five seconds is enough to change the face of the world, according to what the website “WhatF” published.

Farewell to any urban construction

Any building made of concrete, from the Louvre Museum, to the White House and giant dams, to the simplest country house, will inevitably collapse, as the oxygen element is an essential support for the concrete material, and without it it is just dust.

The catastrophic factors continue in the absence of oxygen, as the minerals without it fuse with each other, because the oxidation layer in all minerals prevents them from coalescing with each other.

Don’t forget your sunscreen

Exposure to the sun for unlucky people who are outside the house within five seconds, results in first-degree burns to the skin, as oxygen, as a major component of the ozone layer, protects us from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

The loss of 21% of the atmospheric pressure (the percentage of oxygen) inevitably results in a loss of 21% of our atmospheric pressure, and it mimics the sudden loss of this percentage of atmospheric pressure, as if a person is at sea level and then goes down two thousand meters directly below sea level, as the Our ears will not have enough time to adapt.

No cooking, no transportation

One of the most important pillars of nature, which is fire, is absent, in the absence of oxygen, as it is essential in the combustion process, and therefore, planes will inevitably fall from the sky, and the traffic will stop suddenly, causing fatal accidents.

unhappy ending

As for the major catastrophe, it is represented by the collapse of the earth’s crust, as the earth’s crust is made up of 45% of oxygen, and therefore it will continue to collapse until we reach the stage of free fall.

In the end, we can only be thankful for the blessing of oxygen that we have.

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