Saudi Alyoom

A child 2-year-old kills his mother in a horrific way and continues to play


In a horrific incident, a two-year-old boy shot his mother while she was talking on the phone with a friend of hers in Florida, USA.

In the details, a two-year-old child found a pistol in a backpack that was lying in the house, and decided to play with the weapon to inadvertently shoot his 21-year-old mother, Shamaya Lin.

The mother’s friend called 911 as soon as she heard the shooting and the victim did not respond, and what made the matter even more complicated was the mother’s friend not knowing where she resided.

After a while, the victim’s sister came home to find her sister soaked in her blood, while the child continues to play beside her.

The 22-year-old sister immediately called an ambulance and the police, but she died as a result of a head injury.

The police arrested the husband, the owner of the pistol, while the victim’s body was transferred to the forensic medicine, according to the newspaper, “Metro”.

It is noteworthy that a similar case was recorded in the United States, when a two-year-old boy shot his mother while she was driving.

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