Saudi Alyoom

Kyrgyzstan election: Sunday’s results annulled after mass protests


The electoral authorities in Kyrgyzstan have annulled the results of parliamentary elections following violent protests.

Demonstrators broke into parliament overnight and clashed with police, demanding a new vote be held.

Hundreds were injured in the unrest, the Health Ministry said.

The move came soon after President Sooronbai Jeenbekov accused “certain political forces” of trying to illegally seize power.

Protests broke out after only four parties out of 16 passed the 7% threshold for entry into parliament in Sunday’s election, three of which have close ties to President Jeenbekov.

Media captionThousands of demonstrators took to the streets of the capital Bishkek

In a video address, President Jeenbekov accused unnamed “political forces” of using the results of the election as a reason to “violate public order”. “They did not obey law-enforcers, beat up medical workers and damaged buildings”.

He said he had “so far… taken all the possible measures to prevent an escalation of the situation” and urged opposition parties to “calm their supporters down and take them away from areas of mass gathering”.

“I proposed the Central Election Commission to thoroughly investigate violations and if necessary annul the results of the elections,” he added.

Some 5,000 people gathered in the capital Bishkek’s Ala-Too square on Monday to demonstrate against the election results.

Clashes broke out as police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse the protesters.

Footage overnight showed people in President Sooronbai Jeenbekov’s offices, and throwing paper from windows. Parts of the building appeared to be on fire.

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